Thursday, June 01, 2006


I'm not sure who knows about the contest at my YMCA, so I will fill you all in. During the month of May, they gave us the opportunity to get a card that listed 9 different fitness classes that they offer. You had to do each class by the end of May. The classes included spin, water aerobics, cardio kick box, step, belly dancing, killer abs, and one that you could choose form anything. I chose water aerobics since I did that anyway. For all the classes you did, you got 5 Y bucks that you could use for any program. Mine totaled 45 and I am going to use them for Faith and Georgia's stroke lessons this summer. Anyway.....Today the drew from the cards that were full and I WON! I won a backpack cooler (which I really needed), 2 beach towels, sunglasses, sunblock (spf 4), ocean potion aloe lotion, one of these spray bottles with a fan on it, a book called "Don't stop laughing now" ( inspirational), a water bottle w/ one of those things that u put in the freezer in it and one free personal training session.

I'm so happy!


Tersie said...

Congrats!! What a great prize package! And it sounds like you can use most of it at your pool this summer. Enjoy the training session!!

JohnC said...

Gratz Jennifer! Your hard work is paying off in more ways than one... :)

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