Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Thank you to Tersie

I guess most of you don't know who Tersie is. She is a girl who went to the same high school as me. I followed the "yellow link road" and found her blog. On her blog she is journaling everthing she is doing to loose the weight she wants, and ultimately ride in a bike ride called the TOSRV. This is a bike ride that is done every mother's day. Anyway, on her blog she has a link to a site called FITDAY. I checked it out, and thought some of you would really be interested in it.FitDay is an online diet and fitness journal. Anyone can join for free and you get a diary that tracks your nutrition, weight loss, activity and more. Users come to FitDay and enter what foods they eat and what activities they do, and FitDay gives detailed reports on calories, carbs, fat, caloric balance and more. It will show you in pie graph form how it all balances out. That is my favorite part so far. I tried to put a link here so you can see mine everyday, but it is not working out just yet. In time.

Anyway. Thanks Tersie and I'm with ya!!!!

P.S. a little lesson in HTML. I deleted one tiny little backslash and now the link to my fitday journal works. No ugly remarks on what you find there, please. :-/

Thursday, May 25, 2006

I'm the Energizer Bunny!

At least that is what my arms are saying after the abuse my weedeater gave me today.

I have weedeated the entire bank toward the cemetery (for those of you who know what that means) . And weedeated all the way around the front and back of the house. Cleared all the branches from the back yard and cut the grass back there too. The yard is starting to shape up nicely.

Went to the Y this evening and lifted weights for about 45 mins, and then did my spin for another 45.
Tommorrow is just the usual picking up the house, laundry and cleaning out the car then off to the grocery. ( and a nice big glass of Reisling around 8pm) :-)

Bubba is taking me on the General Jackson sat. for a late celebration of our anniversary. I'm so excited!!

And one more thing.....for some reason my side bar content is way down at the bottom of this page. So...no one has noticed I figured out how to put links her to all of your blogs there. YEAH ME!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Second day of summer training

Okay. We did not go to the Y this morning, we are going in a bit though. I want to try the belly dancing class at 7 and georgia has yoga at 4:30.

Today, I have finished cutting the grass ( 4 acres of it) and the kids and I started raking up and picking up all the branches that the storms throw down in my yard. The sad part about that is, now that we have cleaned them up, it will probably storm tonight and leave more sticks and branches for me to pick up.

I can't believe that is all I have done today. (except call John a geek every chance I had.)

For tomorrow, I think we shall get alot more yard work done. There is alot of "stuff" that we need to get rid of and around the side of the house ther is a pile that needs to be cleaned out so I can plant pretty things.

I'll let you know how it goes.

Oh, by the way the plant is what I got for mother's day.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Tightening up the camp.

Summer is here and if my kids and I plan on doing anything at all this summer, we are going to have to tighten up this camp!
I am going to try and post here everyday to let anyone who cares know what we got done. ( and keep me accoutable to doing it.) This post will actually be what I am planning on doing today instead of what we actually got done.

1. Purge the kitchen. I am pulling everything out and putting back what I want to keep or need.
(Faith is doing the silverware drawer right now.)

2. Wash ever piece of fabric that is not attached to furniture. (sorting to come later)

3. Keeping my kids from killing eachother.

Well i better get off my butt and get to work.=)
well, I did get to some of the sorting. I got the girls clothes hung up according to outfits (since they seem to have trouble in that dept.) , and I did do some weed eating.

Also went upstairs and changed the light bulb in the attic so i could do some work up there in a few days. Why? you ask....cause there are spiders. I don't like them and if i turn the light on and spray bug stuff they will go away. That was a major accomplishment. whew!

Tommorow is a YMCA day so all work will wait till we get back. ( I am going to let the kids swim if it's not storming.)

Sunday, May 14, 2006


I don't know if those of you who read here are aware that my mother also has a blog. Well my brother got her a "real" blog for mother's day. and here is the URL............... www.talkingtomykids.com. Check it out once in a while and let her know you are there.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Spin again.

I already have posted my opinion of the spinning classes I took. I was not real encouraged at first, but my opinion is changing. So much in fact that I have put "spin" on my pocket calendar every thurs. at 5.

The last few times I have been, I was the only one in the class and Scot (the instructor) tailored the class just for little ole' me. Teaching me how to rate my pain so to speak and keep it at a steady 6 or 7. ( on a scale from 1-10). Not trying to keep up with everyone else if I go to another class.

Anyway. I am feeling much stronger lately, and I have noticed that when I indulge in a BIG meal like fettucini w/ broccoli and chicken with bread. (mmmmm. fettucini.) I do feel grossly full but my body uses it up way faster than it would have before. It is becoming more efficient. Using up what I eat. That's a good thing!

As far as weight loss goes.... there is none so to speak. But as we all know muscle weighs more than fat, and my inches have just moved around a bit. Curvier would be a good word.

So...to conclude, I would definitely recommend spinning. But be warned you must stick with it and not try to keep up w/ everyone else in the class.

And use the padded seat cushions. =)